Kathmandu. Until today, there were news that various media of social media have copied Tiktok’s features. In particular, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube copied TikTok’s short video sharing feature. Now, Tiktok has copied a feature of Instagram, which the company has named ‘Photo Mode’.
Through this new feature, users will be able to share multiple photos in a single post and keep a caption of up to 2200 characters. Music can also be featured through new photo posts. Such posts will appear along with the video on the user’s ‘For You Page’.
Tiktok published a blog post and said that it will increase the caption words. Tiktok believes that through which creators can present themselves more clearly.
However, even if the photo mode makes ‘For You Page’ like Tik Tok, the analyst says that it will not be as creative as that. According to Mashable, this feature can be used by creators to share memes and other popular content.
Instagram focused more on Reels than its main features to attract users. In this situation, Tiktok has also followed the footsteps of Instagram. According to The Wall Street Journal, TikTok is ahead of Instagram’s Reel in terms of daily watch time.
Lately, big social networks are copying the features of their rivals. In the last six weeks alone, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat have all copied features from French startup Bireal. Similarly, Twitter has also introduced full-screen video features in the style of Tiktok. Youtube Shorts is a complete copy of Tiktok. Now the feature of voice over has also been added to it.